Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Honey, I'm still a guy"

My husband is a guy - a man's man. An outdoorsy, active, mechanical-brained male who happens to take beautiful photos. But no mistake - he's a GUY.

And I love that about him.

I was listening to my iPod in the greenhouse today while Indy chased a mouse (I was trying to avoid being a part of mouse murder, but well, we've been through this before...). The Brad Paisley song, "I'm Still a Guy" came on, and I just started laughing since it made me think immediately of Jason. I was lost in flowers, thinking of my man's man, when he sneaks into the greenhouse and scares the crap out of me. He then proceeds to tear apart the storage corner with Indy, trying to get the mouse (which is still roaming free). In the process, he found a dead mouse in the container and took care of it for me...

Thank God he's a GUY.

If you've never heard the song, you have to take a listen. Just click play on the link and then keep reading the blog. (There are photos below!) Ignore the photos in the youtube video... cheesy.

My favorite lyrics are:

"These days there’s dudes getting facials
Manicured waxed and botoxed
But with deep spray on tans and creamy lotioney hands
You can’t grip a tackle box.
With all of these men lining up to get neutered
It’s hip now to be feminized.
I don’t highlight my hair,
I’ve still got a pair,
Yeah, honey I’m still a guy.
My eyebrows ain’t plucked,
Theres a gun in my truck.
Thank God I’m still a guy."

And speaking of my GUY, he grabbed my little point and shoot camera and took some photos of the greenhouse today, cause he thought you all should see it. He said, and I quote, "Well honey, you definitely have a green thumb." To which I replied, "Oh, I've killed a couple of plants, but I always get rid of the evidence before someone can see it."

So here's my cheerful greenhouse, courtesy of my guy. :)


  1. I LOVE that song! And funnily enough it makes me think of MY guy too :)Those lyrics are also my favorite part of the song too.
    The greenhouse looks great!!!!

  2. wow Erin! the greenhouse looks great! How do you keep track of everything?!?! I would have killed 90% of everything in there-haha

  3. It all looks wonderful!!! You are welcome to live at our house and overhaul our garden anytime :) I'm seriously impressed. And Chris is not at all sure about that song - apparently he's not a real man :)
