Nancy and I at my birthday celebration, October 17, 2010.
Nancy is a rare bird in photos, and this is one of the few I have of us together!
In the order that I met them, Nancy is next.
The story of how I met Nancy is very much wrapped up in the story of how I fell into teaching, choreography and ultimately directing. I'll try to give you the short version.
In the Spring of 2001, I was teaching two acting classes at the City of Torrance for a Company called Pizzazz Productions. The owner, Laura, was so happy with the work I was doing in my classes, that she was going to hire me to run drama camp for the summer. I remember sitting in this pre-camp meeting with Laura and my friend Kasey (who was going to work with me that Summer), when suddenly the door of the tiny office opens, and in bursts one of the most outrageous women I have ever met. She was wrapped in a velvet shawl (with tassels), and she was furious because Laura still hadn't found her a choreographer for the summer musical she was directing, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS. Kasey opened his big mouth and said, "Erin's a choreographer!", (which I still am not sure I was at that age - I'd done some choreography and I had a big dance background - but a choreographer? not yet) and I was hired. The rest is history.
Nancy ended up taking over the company and transforming it into Starlight Productions, and I have been working with and for her for nine and a half years. Along the way, she has become one of my nearest and dearest friends. Although we sometimes make each other absolutely nuts, we come around, apologize, and treat each other with love.
Nancy has the best, most generous heart, and she really has the ability to see people and their circumstances with a clear, compassionate eye. She also has a very good sense of perspective about life's ups and downs, and she is never afraid to talk me down when I get over-stressed or out of control. Truth be told, she's also sweet talked me into a number of crazy ideas over the years, just as I have done to her!
I have learned SOOO much from Nancy over the years, and feel like I am an adopted member of the Gomez family - almost like the fourth child!
Nancy, I am so honored to have you as a friend and part of my bridal party. Thank you so much for seeing something in a little 18 year old and for supporting me 100% along the way. Thank you for all of the opportunities, for humoring my crazy ideas, and for loving me even when I'm a little bit nuts. I look forward to many more years of margaritas and late nights up talking!
We are ALL Gomezes (or Gomai) now!
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