Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Speedy September

September is flying in a blur, just like I figured it would! Not much time today but wanted to share: here are some of my favorite pictures from this month!

I love to snipe photos of Jason while he's shooting. This was in Yellowstone on Sunday!

Actually, from August and not July. I just love this photo of us in front of the Chuck Wagon. Yes, there is an antique chuck wagon at the ranch. It's pretty freaking cool.

We got to spend some time with Dad and his pal Jerry while they were fishing in West Yellowstone. So fun!

My dad is awesome. And the Farrell gene pool runs strong - see the resemblance?

Moose sighting! There aren't many Moose left in the area - the wolves have decimated their population - so it's very exciting when we see one close to the ranch. This lady was chowing on some grasses right by the ranch where I take Yoga!

That's the Hawkeye - all those trees, sitting there in the Valley. We've lived here since April of 2011.

Now that the guests are gone, I get to go riding again! Here I am on Poco, trying to keep her from chowing on grass. :)

1 comment:

  1. West Yellowstone always spells fun and adventure. You can go hiking, fishing and camping in the vicinity. Guided hikes and backpacking in the area are always a fun way to enjoy days off from the office and work.
