Here we have it - the last bit of favorite moments from our season of Caroling together:
*Three rockin' nights of Summit House and 5 Crowns back to back, people's generosity was astounding!
*Rhonda as "Bessie the ____________ Cow".
*Singing for a table of men who sing barbershop and their wives who play handbells. They were so much fun!
*The big group at the end of the night at 5 Crowns - young people who just thought we were AMAZING. They were a BLAST to sing for!

*Amy's rescue of a very sick Rhonda, and finishing the night singing for Michael, a very special man whose family brings him to 5 Crowns every year just to hear the carolers.
*My family having dinner at the 5 Crowns, and getting to sing for them.
*Anytime that Reggie and Nate ate together - you have never seen anything like their mutual appreciation for food. TOO CUTE.

*Christmas Eve at Knott's Berry Farm again this year. :) We were the last quartet to go through Knott's, and were able to be a special part of many folks Christmas celebrations.
*Steph and her sister Jenny coming out to hear us at Knott's and having a BLAST!
*Singing requests for Myrna and Cassie during our last set at Knott's.

*Dec 26th at Disney. We were also the last quartet to go through Disney this Season. I felt like a celebrity! Nik, Solange and Caity; Jenny; and Debbie and Kevin all came out to see us. :) Here's a video that Jenny shot of us singing Kids Medley C!
*More hysterical laughter than you can imagine. Usually inappropriate, always funny!
*Rhonda - my beautiful, talented, hilarious soprano. She is going through some tough stuff this year, but you would never know it on set. She is the epitome of professionalism. Rhonda, it has been such a joy getting to know you this season. Rhonda = Thank you for making me laugh (and sometimes cringe) time and time again. Thank you for your professionalism and willingness to fight through tough times in your life when most others would just crumble beneath it all. I wish so many good things for you, and hope that 2011 kicks 2010's ass!

*Nate - my tall, hungry, super-busy bass. This man is SO busy, doing his student teaching and credentialing program. You would never know it when he was with us - he was so focused and prepared. Such a solid musician and patient singer, Nate also has a mischievous spirit to him and I loved the moments when I would see a smirk on his face and think - "Gosh, what is going on in that brain of his?" Nate, you will never know how much you helped and supported me this season. You have such a kind, genuine heart and good spirit. THANK YOU for your patience and encouragement!

*Reggie - my jolly, fortunate, soon to be married tenor. Reggie had an AWESOME 2010 - not only is he engaged to the woman of his dreams (you should hear and see the love in his voice and face when he speaks of her), but he landed small roles on HOUSE and Modern Family. Such a talented guy - so generous with his time, energies and laugh. Watching Reggie eat is an experience - the man ENJOYS his food - we should ALL learn to enjoy our food as much! Reggie - I could not be more excited for you and Katie. Thank you for your kind, precious spirit and jolly laugh. You are a JOY to sing with!

So, I wrap up Caroling 2010 with mixed feelings - relieved for the vocal rest that January will bring, sad to be separated from these new friends who became such an important part of my life in 2010!