So it has been an absolutely INSANE two weeks. In addition to continuing work on BACK TO THE 80s, we had auditions, casting, and the start of rehearsals for ALL SHOOK UP. I also worked sub jobs like a maniac, had an exploding and overcommitted personal life, and an audition today.
The audition today was for a Mercedes commercial - one that will air internationally only. I was called in for 1890s wife - which seems to be my genre more and more. And they wanted us to dress for the audition. SO - Nancy and Starlight loaned me the wardrobe, I did the hair (thank God for all those productions where the hair designer refused to let me wear a wig because I have the "ideal" hair - it only took me fifteen minutes for a pretty decent updo), and off I drove to Hollywood. Just imagine - a casting full of men and women dressed in 1890s period clothing. As I walked down Sunset Blvd., being stared at (or not... it is Hollywood after all - I looked almost normal in comparison to some), I just started to laugh. Then I walked into the waiting room, and was surrounded by people dressed similarly - it was hilarious. :) The audition went really well, and I had a great time. Now I wait, and I will either hear or not. But I feel really good about it, and if I've ever been right for a role, it's this one. Send up a little (or big) prayer for me if you get a chance. It would be a great opportunity to get some work! Here's a little pic I snapped at my car with my cell phone, just so you get an idea of the Gibson girl status.