Monday, March 15, 2010


Among other things today (so much to write about today!) I had an audition for a Midas commercial. It was the audition of hurdles, though, so I just have to share.

First, the audition came in the middle of hell week for the musical at North High School. The audition was at 2:50pm on La Brea right by Beverly at the 200 South offices. I was already committed to sub for the dance classes I love, and since the teacher has a sixth period prep, I planned to jam up to LA after fifth period. That's all fine and well, except that North High was on a special schedule today to accommodate an assembly (more to come on the assembly later) and the schedule was crazy. Fifth period ended about ten minutes later than I had planned. THEN in my sweaty, just-taught-five-hours-of-dance state, I quickly changed and threw some makeup on my face. Ran to the school office to drop off my keys and raced to my car like a bat out of hell. Drive out and realize I do not have my printouts of directions and audition info. Hope I remember it all. I get on the freeway and I have 45 minutes to make it from the South Bay up to LA (a 35 minute drive on a perfect day). Halfway there my gas light comes on. I get off on La Brea and start looking for a gas station. I pull into the only gas station that is on my side of a very busy street and insert my debit card. It says "see attendant". The attendant tells me their system is down and that I can only pay cash. I don't HAVE any cash. Super frustrated and praying that I make it to the casting office. I find it. I park. I didn't run out of gas. I run in the door, sign in with four minutes to share and am immediately called in to audition. I didn't have a second to over-think it or be nervous. That's a plus!

It went great. Thank you God! So again... we wait. Maybe this time it will be my turn. Not sure. Just hoping. I'm an eternal optimist.

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