Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Birthday blessings

I turned 29 on Sunday. The last year of my twenties. They've flown by! I'm not sad or scared of them coming to an end, though. Life has gotten better every year, so I'm excited to see what's next. The only problem that I have with time marching on is that the people I love are also getting older. That's all a part of it, though, and a reminder that we should cherish every moment we're given, because they don't come again.

I had some incredible moments to cherish this weekend. My parents flew to Cody to spend my birthday weekend at the Ranch. When I knew that I would be alone on my birthday while Jason was on the road, I asked my parents if they would come. They did. It was a WONDERFUL weekend. And to be honest, we didn't do much. I took Dad to the shooting shed on my birthday, and he hired a fishing guide on Monday. Mom and I spent hours and hours talking about everything under the sun. We put fires in the Lodge fireplace. We made delicious food. Mom and I hired a massage therapist to come up to the lodge and take care of our sore muscles.

It was awesome. A time to cherish. A memory to keep. Meaningful time with my amazing parents. I could not be more grateful for the last few days or for the way I celebrated my 29th birthday.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for making my weekend special. I love you!


  1. So happy you had a great birthday weekend :)We love you!

  2. I am so happy you had a wonderful weekend. This brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you!!
    Love, Amie
