PHEW! I can't believe how long it has been since I've written on here! My apologies to those of you who actually read this!
Here are some highlights of the second half of November:
*Thanksgiving this year was so special - my favorite Thanksgiving (at least that I remember). Spending the day cooking with Jason, Mom, Kelli, Dad, Jeff, Indy, Sierra and Maddie (the last three are dogs). Visit from Nik, Solange and the Caity Monkey. Auntie Ann, Uncle Joe, Kevin, Jill, Cousin Kelli (not my sister) and the surprise arrival of Grandma Joan and Papa Phil! (My grandmother is on hospice and hasn't left her house for anything but a doctor's appointment since June) Then, a smoked turkey (courtesy of my grill master husband - it was beautiful and delicious) and an entire gluten free Thanksgiving dinner, and no one seemed to know the difference. It was a beautiful day, and another reminder of all the things i have to be thankful for!
My sister Kelli with Grandma Joan!
*The advent of Caroling Season! YES - this is my favorite time of year. I love Christmas Caroling - being able to sing and bring so much joy to so many people, and then for it to be my JOB! I wish I could Carol all year long! I'm blessed with another wonderful quartet this season, wonderful people whose company I truly enjoy. We've just begun, and have MANY days of singing to go still!!!!!!

Our first day at Knott's this season. Thanks Jen, for the photos!
*Adventures with Jason. We've committed to getting out of town once a month - even if it's just for a day and we can only afford one tank of gas. Fortunately this month we were able to afford a night's stay in a dog friendly motel and several tanks of gas. We left early on Saturday morning and headed up to Bishop and Mammoth so Jason could shoot some photos and try out his new snow shoes. We drove straight into a blizzard in Mammoth, and had a great time in the snow. We were able to get back to Bishop for the night to stay at our little motel (cheap, basic, clean and allows dogs), and woke up on Sunday to cold temperatures, bright sun and the Sierra Nevada Mountains covered in fresh snow. Perfect for a landscape photographer with snow shoes. The best part, though, was spending quality time with my husband before craziness of caroling season.
The Sierra Nevadas after the snow.
Jason and Indy go snow shoe-ing before the snow really starts to come down.
*Picking out our first Christmas tree together. We had to do it early because of my holiday schedule, and hope we're able to keep it from drying out too much before Christmas. We'll decorate it later in the week, but for now at least we HAVE it!

Our un-decorated Christmas tree with a cheesy tree skirt and a PRESENT underneath it!
I hope you had a wonderful November full of things to be thankful for! Hello, December!
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