I have no idea when or where this was taken, but I love it and wish we were more in focus!
When I moved back to the South Bay after college and working at a couple of theatre gigs, I came back to direct and choreograph a monster musical - SEUSSICAL - for Starlight. Jen was my stage manager on that show (through TWO productions of it), and not only did she save my bacon time and time again and keep me totally (or mostly!) sane, but she became my dear, dear friend.

That SEUSSICAL wrap party - July, 2007. L to R: Me, Nancy Gomez (in the front), Debbie Zaldivar (now Debbie Bowler), Nicole Anton (now Nicole Folger) and Jen.
At an age where most of my friends were already married or no longer in the area, I desperately needed a fun friend - someone I could go out with on a Friday or Saturday night and have a BLAST. A friend that wasn't just a "going out" friend, but someone who was in the same place as I was - dating in LA and trying to figure out all of the pieces of my life!
We've worked on so many shows and projects together since SEUSSICAL, and each one has been a blast because she was part of it. Jen has stood by me through some crazy times, and I've listened and been staunchly on her side through her own tough times.
Jen is sassy, sexy, hilarious, tells it like it is, is confident in her own skin and completely has my back. I have her back, too, but I don't know that I'd be any good in a fight!!!!! I'd try though, for her!

At Debbie's wedding, November 2009.
I have so many fun memories with Jen from the last few years, but two memories come to mind right away.
The first is from our Seussical wrap party - drinking margaritas, dancing and flirting with the camera - we absolutely had a blast!!!!!! The second is so recent - from my Bachelorette weekend, of spending hours at the Spa, just the two of us, talking a million miles an hour and realizing how far we've both come in the last few years! From dating crazy, bad-for-us men to finding the good ones - the men who stand by you and think you're gorgeous when you look (and smell!) like a dirtball.

Jen and I last year - November, 2009 I think - with Jason in the background!
Jen, I love you so much, my friend! THANK YOU for being a part of this adventure, and for welcoming me into your life at a time when I so badly needed a friend! I am so excited for you as you and Chris begin your journey together, building your first home together - and am thrilled to be sharing this special time with you! Here's to many more years of laughter, margaritas and Spa Days!!!!!!!
So Special! You forgot to mention dry humping! I love Jen's special way of dry humping you when you least expect it! lol