Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A reminder of why I teach.

So, after a CRAZY week of teaching, this week has started off quieter. The problem is that I'm totally burned out on Substitute Teaching. Whenever I get to that moment of total burn out, I'm always reminded of why I choose to teach (theatre, dance, or even subbing) in the first place.

Tonight I went to teach an acting class completely exhausted, and as I started their warm-up I remembered that the way I feel is the way I CHOOSE to feel. So if I want to feel sorry for myself for being tired, I will feel tired. I managed to get it together, caught my second wind and had an AWESOME acting class today. One of my students, Johnny* (age 11), moved to the United States from Austria six months ago. When he moved, he knew only a little bit of English, and he now speaks it fluently. When he got up to perform a monologue, with his sweet little accent, I was just blown away! Yes, he's got a long way to go, but this young man has come from understanding very little English to standing alone on a stage in an acting class with strangers! How marvelous! Just another little reminder that even seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome.

Have a wonderful night, whoever you are, reader!

*Names changed to protect the privacy of minors.

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